Women of the Wall Solidarity Gathering

DECEMBER 1, 2016 // 1 KISLEV 5777

Last month, Women of the Wall marched toward the Western Wall, Judaism’s holiest site, on Rosh Hodesh Heshvan, accompanied by Rabbi Rick Jacobs, President of the Union for Reform Judaism, and Rabbi Steven Wernick, President of the North American Conservative Movement, and hundreds of supporters who were in Jerusalem for an international summit. Representing world Jewry, the march was led by a line of ten Jewish leaders, including Women of the Wall Chair Anat Hoffman, carrying Torah scrolls, demanding to pray as equals at the Wall.

This Rosh Chodesh Kislev on December 1, 2016, our Beth Israel family stood together in solidarity with Women of the Wall by carrying our own sacred Torah scrolls. This unifying act was in support of creating the egalitarian space agreed to by the Israeli government.

Beth Israel’s campus brings Jerusalem to San Diego.  Today we brought San Diego to Jerusalem.

Women Of The Wall
Left-to-Right: Robin Whinston, Ava Kurnow, Liz Levine, Gordon Glenn, Janice Alper, Elissa Shuchter, Linda Valfer, Judy Glenn, Rabbi Michael Berk, Joe Oppenheimer, Barbara Lanci-Greenblatt, Susan Levin, Dean Abelon, Eric Whinston.