Life Cycle Events

A young girl reads from the Torah during her Bat Mitzvah
A young family introduces their children to the Rabbi

Supporting you through all phases of life

Congregation Beth Israel provides comprehensive support and spiritual guidance through all life cycle events. From joyous occasions like births and Bar/Bat Mitzvahs to weddings and anniversaries, the congregation offers blessings, ceremonies, and celebrations to mark these milestones. During times of sorrow, such as funerals and periods of mourning, we extend compassionate support, including pastoral care and memorial services. We are a welcoming community that nurtures personal and spiritual growth throughout all stages of life.

Life Cycle Events


We feel honored to be part of the holiness of the Covenant of Marriage. Our clergy officiate at wedding services in Beth Israel's sanctuary or chapel as well as at nearby locations. Interfaith officiation is possible with the fulfillment of criteria set by the senior rabbi.

Brit Milah/Baby Namings

Our clergy are available to help welcome children into the Covenant of Israel. When available, we co-officiate with a mohel for brit milah or officiate solely for the  covenant ceremony of a girl, brit b'not. Namings are also done on our pulpit during select Erev Shabbat (evening) services.

B'nai Mitzvah

Every Jew reaches the age of Jewish responsibility at his or her 13th birthday and automatically becomes a bar or bat bitzvah, which translates to son or daughter of the Commandments. We are proud to welcome those with a Jewish foundation and specific preparation to celebrate that milestone on our bimah. Students enrolled in our Religious School program, or those members who are attending a Jewish day school, are eligible to celebrate a bar or bat mitzvah in our community. Every few years we create a class for adults who did not celebrate a bar/bat mitzvah at 13 and are interested in doing so as an adult.

Conversion to Judaism

We welcome those who wish to explore our faith and consider embracing the Covenant of Israel. Our rabbis work with individual candidates toward conversion to Judaism. Candidates must complete Beth Israel's Introduction to Judaism course and other requirements as assigned by the sponsoring rabbi. Our New to Judaism classes offer many ways to learn more about Jewish belief and practice.

Funerals and Unveilings

The clergy strives to make themselves available to bereaved families as soon as we hear of a death. A rabbi will meet with your family in advance of a funeral service and officiate at either the graveside or chapel. If you need to reach the clergy immediately, our answering service is available at all times at 858-535-1111. Information about our Jewish burial space and above-ground mausoleum entombment, including addresses and directions, is on our Cemetery and Mausoleum page.

Minyan/Shiva Calls

A rabbi or layperson will officiate at shiva minyan services in the home of the bereaved for one service or up to the full week of shiva. Beth Israel provides appropriate prayer books and kippot.


Our clergy meet with congregants on occasion for short-term counseling. We are also available to direct congregants to appropriate long-term counseling settings.

Mi Shebeirach

If you would like to add your name, or a loved one's name, to our Mi Shebeirach (healing prayer) list to be read on Friday evening, please complete the Mi Shebeirach Request Form below. Names that are shared on our Mi Shebeirach list will stay on the list for four weeks. If you would like to continue listing a loved one after the four-week period, please fill out the form again. Names must be renewed every month.

Contact us about your life cycle Event

For further information about Life Cycle events and appointments, please contact Susan Hutchison, Assistant to Rabbi Arlene Bernstein, Cantor Emerita and Rabbi Cantor Jeremy Gimbel, at 858-535-1111, ext. 2522 and .

Additionally, you may contact Katey Lindley, Caring Community Director and Clergy Suite Administrator, supporting Senior Rabbi Jason Nevarez and Assistant Rabbi Elana Ackerman Hirsch at 858-900-2525 and .

To celebrate a Life Cycle event at Beth Israel, please contact Facilities/Events Coordinator Mendy Strebe at 858-900-2572. Read more about holding an event at Beth Israel.