Men's Club at Beth Israel
The mission of the Beth Israel Men’s Club is to strengthen and support our congregation and its Jewish heritage by promoting and fostering the Jewish ideals of Mitzvot, learning and education; supporting Israel; raising religious consciousness; and reinforcing a sense of community through congregational life. Beth Israel’s Men’s Club consists of adult temple members who identify as male. Most of our activities are open to every adult in the congregation.
What We Do
The Men’s Club would like to encourage all our members, along with their adult partners and families, to get involved in our fellowship, study, service and social action activities, which include:
- Hosting a monthly Dinner Forum with noteworthy speakers
- Twice-monthly discussion group on current events (Men's Club members only)
- Providing challah for Erev Shabbat services
- Ushering at Shabbat and High Holy Day services
- Serving Chanukah latkes for religious school students
- Building a Sukkah in the Price Family Courtyard
- Distributing Yom HaShoah memorial candles to our congregation
- Leading the Minyan Service each December
- Gifts of prayer books for B’nai Mitzvah students
- Men’s Club at the Padres Game and other congregational outings
- Co-sponsoring with Women of Beth Israel the popular Torah on Tap program with Rabbi Nevarez
- Donations to multiple Jewish charities

Get Involved

Men's Club Board of Directors
The Men’s Club Board meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm. We plan our events, discuss supporting worthwhile causes and have fun. If you have an interest in attending a meeting or joining the board, or would like more information about getting involved, please reach out to Jeffrey Harris, Men’s Club President.
Contact us
Men’s Club Welcomes Your Support
Beth Israel’s Men’s Club has an all inclusive membership plan which does not solicit payment of dues. We depend on your voluntary donations to carry on our many programs for the benefit of our congregation. Please consider a donation of any amount to help us continue our work throughout the year. Your financial contribution to the Men’s Club is greatly appreciated.
If you prefer not to make your donation online, please:
- Send a check payable to “Men’s Club of Beth Israel” to 9001 Towne Centre Drive, San Diego, CA 92122
- Contact the synagogue office at 858-535-1111
The Beth Israel Men’s Club deeply appreciates your support. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming Men’s Club events!
Upcoming Men's Club Events