Ner Tamid Circle

A mature couple stand together with arms around each other in the Beth Israel Courtyard.

Help us welcome all who wish to be members at Beth Israel

In the Book of Ecclesiastes it is written, "You shall give as you are able, according to the measure which God has given you."

The Ner Tamid Circle recognizes donors who contribute above the sustaining annual membership commitment. The generosity of Ner Tamid Circle members ensures that no one is turned away for inability to pay at the sustaining membership commitment level. We welcome enlisted military personnel, young people still in college or starting new careers, single parent households, families struggling with the economy, older folks with limited means.

While most tell us they join because they consider it an honor and a mitzvah to help others, we do offer tangible benefits that may include:

  • Free Tribute and Memorial Cards
  • Recognition at High Holy Days Services
  • Complimentary guest High Holy Day Tickets
  • Discounts on Social Hall rental fees
  • Invitations to special Ner Tamid Circle events

Join the Ner Tamid Circle

If you already contribute at one of our Ner Tamid levels, thank you. If not, please consider joining this year. To join the Ner Tamid Circle, please email Bethany Eisenberg at , or contact her by phone at 858-535-1111 ext. 2554.

Ner Tamid Benefits

Most people join the Ner Tamid Circle because it is an honor and mitzvah to help others.
All members are invited to special events, are recognized at High Holy Days services, and enjoy the following benefits:

Mitzvah: $3,400 - $4,999

  • 2 High Holy Days guest tickets
  • 10 Tribute or Memorial Cards per year

Builders (Bonim): $5,000 - $9,999

  • 20% discount on Social Hall rental
  • 3 High Holy Days guest tickets
  • 12 Tribute or Memorial Cards per year

Leaders (Manhigim): $10,000 - $17,999

  • Complimentary Religious School, B'nai Mitzvah training
  • 30% discount on Social Hall rental
  • 4 High Holy Days guest tickets
  • 18 Tribute or Memorial Cards per year

Guardians (Shomrim): $18,000 - $24,999

  • Complimentary Religious School, B'nai Mitzvah training
  • 50% discount on Social Hall rental
  • 6 High Holy Days guest tickets
  • 20 Tribute or Memorial Cards per year

Pillars (Amudim): $25,000 - $35,999

  • Reserved parking for High Holy Days services
  • Complimentary Religious School, B'nai Mitzvah training
  • 75% discount on Social Hall rental
  • 6 High Holy Days guest tickets
  • 25 Tribute or Memorial Cards per year

Angels (M'lachim): $36,000 or more

  • Private dinner with clergy and leadership
  • Reserved parking for High Holy Days services
  • Complimentary Religious School, B'nai Mitzvah training
  • Free rental of Social Hall
  • 8 High Holy Days guest tickets
  • Unlimited Tribute or Memorial Cards