Torah Honors Guide

Preparing for your Torah Honor

Whether it is for a Shabbat or festival service, a life-cycle, or the High Holidays, we want to make sure you are prepared for your honor. Please find the guide for your honor below. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out! Mazal tov!

A group of people stand on the bimah, preparing to take their turn reading from the Torah.

Blessings & Instructions

Aliyah (blessings before/after reading Torah)

Torah blessings in Hebrew & transliteration (PDF)

Hagbah (lifting the Torah)

Four easy steps for lifting the Torah.

Gelilah (dressing the Torah)

The Rabbis will help you in each step of dressing the Torah. This honor can be done by between 1-3 people. 

Ark Openers

At the end of the Torah service, we have helpers to open and close the Ark doors as we put the Torah away. While the doors slide in and out, please note they are quite heavy. This honor can be done by between 1-4 people.Â