High Holy Days

Clergy members sing during a celebratory Rosh Hashanah service.
All four Beth Israel clergy members pose on the bimah in their white High Holy Days attire.

High Holy Days with Congregation Beth Israel

High Holy Days 2024/5785 at Beth Israel featured a blend of traditional prayers, soulful music, and inspiring sermons. Our congregation came together to hear the shofar's call, engage in meaningful reflection, and support one another on our spiritual journey into the new year.

We invite you to revisit the powerful and insightful High Holy Days sermons below to continue your journey of reflection and inspiration.

Thank you for being a part of our Beth Israel community!

High Holy Days Sermons

Rabbi Jason Nevarez's
Rosh Hashanah Sermon,
"Min Mameitzar: From Constriction
to Soulful Expansion"
Rabbi Elana Ackerman Hirsch's Rosh Hashanah Sermon:
"All Lights Turned Off Can Be Turned On"
Rabbi Jason Nevarez's
Kol Nidre Sermon:
"Vows, Shattered Tablets, Hope"
Rabbi Cantor Jeremy Gimbel's
Yom Kippur Sermon,
"Beyond the Tombstone: Relationships and Renewal"
Rabbi Cantor Arlene Bernstein's Yizkor Sermon,
"What is the measure of a life?"

High Holy Days Poetry & Hunger Project Appeal

Israeli Poetry in Response
of October 7
Ethan and Jacob's
Hunger Project Appeal 2024