Madrichim Program

Three madrichim help out at the Purim carnival
Madrichim help out during a Religious school class.

Leading the way for the next generation of Jewish youth

Students become teenage leaders and role models, learning to be co-teachers, tutors, and camp junior counselors through the High School’s Madrichim Program. In the process, teens learn valuable life skills which will help them be more effective leaders or participants in any group. After completion of the Madrichim class, students are eligible to become assistant teachers in the classroom and junior counselors at our weekend camps.

Helene Schlafman, known affectionately as Eemah (mom), started the Madrichim program 50 years ago. It began when she was pregnant with her son and her students began to call her Eemah. Through the years the name and the Madrichim program have both endured. Helene is Director of Education Emerita at Beth Israel, and is currently teaching in our Lee & Frank Goldberg Family Religious School and High School. The Madrichim program continues to be one of the most popular classes in the High School.

For more information about the Madrichim program please contact Jessica Kretzer at .