Our Program
A letter to B'nei Mitzvah students & families
The tradition of b'nei mitzvah, by which we celebrate your passage into the Jewish religious and ethical responsibilities of adulthood, is one of the most enriching experiences you will ever have. The b'nei mitzvah service marks the occasion when you begin the process of becoming an adult. Along with your family, friends and extended family here at Beth Israel, we celebrate your official entrance into the "adult" Jewish community.
We believe that Judaism is a way of life and a religious heritage worthy of serious adult understanding. Therefore, the learning, experiencing, and identification that we ask of you is designed to lead you to mature linkages with our people and our faith. Participation as a b'nei mitzvah is one important step along that road. It is, of course, not the only step. Our Congregation firmly believes that Jewish education is a life-long journey. We encourage all our students to continue their Jewish education by participation in our popular High School program and confirmation program. Beth Israel also offers adult education and connections to inform, challenge and inspire you all the years of your life.
As you become an adult member of the Jewish community, we look forward to you joining with us in our people's journey. May this new chapter of your life be fulfilling, rewarding and enlightening.
Rabbi Jason Nevarez, Rabbi Arlene Bernstein, Cantor Emerita, Rabbi Cantor Jeremy Gimbel, and Rabbi Elana Ackerman Hirsch