Kindergarten through 2nd Grade

Holidays, traditions, and fun!

Pre-K and Kindergarten

Sundays 9:00-11:30am

Pre-K and Kindergarten classes focus on learning about holidays, ritual objects, basic prayers, and Jewish traditions. Their classes will meet with clergy, a song leader, and our Shinshin to supplement their classroom learning.  

1st and Second Grade

Sundays 9:00-11:30am

1st and 2nd grades have classroom home-bases like our younger students. They focus on learning about the same theme that our older students have for the school year, as well as starting to learn their Hebrew letters in 2nd grade. They sing Hebrew songs with our song leader and play games with our Shinshin.  

A group of young Religious School students sit together while their teacher reads them a story.
Religious school students sit on the rug in their classroom for story time.