3rd through 6th Grade

What to expect in the classroom


Sundays 9:00-11:30am

Our students spend the year learning about a specific theme by rotating through classes with specialists. Examples of specialty areas are: 

  • Science and Technology
  • Art
  • Cooking
  • Bibliodrama
  • History
  • Creative Expression

Each year our school’s theme changes. We rotate through the following themes:

  • Jewish Values, Community, and Social Justice
  • Israel and Israeli Culture
  • Torah Stories and Jewish Heroes – Modern and Historical
  • A Deep Dive into Holidays and Traditions
4th graders had a delicious time making cheese and potato bourekas during Religious school
Religious school students work with Madrichim to learning Hebrew.


Sundays 9:00-11:30am and Tuesdays (in person) 4:30-6:00pm OR Wednesdays (online) 4:30-5:10pm

Our 3rd through 6th grade Hebrew is taught through a proficiency-based Hebrew program, that our education team has custom created for our community at Beth Israel.

Hebrew learners will participate in multi-grade, content-based learning that has concrete milestones to accomplish in order to transition from group to group. From mastery of the Aleph Bet (Hebrew alphabet) through introductions to Torah troupe, every learner’s needs and unique pace will be met.

Students will progress at their own pace through learning the Hebrew alphabet and showing mastery of the letters and sounds and then through the prayers needed to lead a shabbat service. As students demonstrate proficiency and understanding of either the alphabet or set groupings of prayers, they will move to new groups.

Camp Weekends

Our 4th-7th Grade students head to the mountains to stay at a sleepaway camp each year from Friday to Sunday. They celebrate shabbat with one another, participate in havdalah, and experience the magic of creating friendships and memories at camp.