Shabbat Lay-Led Minyan Service

Minyan members gather to read from the Torah.
Members of the CBI lay-led minyan stand in the courtyard in a circle with arms around each other.

Informal & intimate worship

For the past 30 years, every Shabbat at 10:30 a.m. lay members of our congregation lead an informal service open to all in the Foster Family Chapel. Popularly called the Minyan Service, it features prayer, singing, and Torah discussion in a relaxed and friendly setting. There is no Minyan membership and all are welcome to worship and participate. Families looking for an intimate, haimische, and more informal setting are very welcome to celebrate a clergy-led B'nei Mitzvah in a Minyan service.

What you'll experience

Volunteers take turns leading the Minyan Service, reading Torah and delivering a Torah commentary (D'var Torah). People who have never read from the Torah or delivered a D'var Torah are invited and welcomed to do so in this supportive environment. The volunteers who coordinate the Minyan service have developed a training program to encourage participation. Several times a year, Minyan worshippers share a potluck luncheon, and at Chanukah they enjoy a white-elephant gift exchange. If you are new to Beth Israel and/or new to Judaism, you will find a warm welcome here.

A group of people gather in the CBI courtyard to participate in the Minyan Service.

Become a Volunteer

Volunteer to read Torah, haftarah or give the d'var Torah in our friendly, supportive lay-lead Shabbat Morning Minyan Service. Rabbi Arlene Bernstein, Cantor Emerita is happy to coach anyone who wants to learn how to chant. Contact Susan Hutchison at 858-535-1111, ext. 2522.

Contact the Coordinators

The volunteer coordinators of the Minyan service welcome your inquiries. To be added to the minyan participants' email list, or to volunteer to lead a service, read Torah, or do a D'var Torah, email Gordon Glenn at .

Minyan D'var Torah

Minyan D'var Torah is your opportunity to read fascinating, personal insights on the weekly Torah portion. The contributors are Beth Israel Minyan volunteers.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the D’var Torah articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Beth Israel.

Upcoming Minyan Service Schedule

Jewish Star

Erev Shabbat Outdoor Service

  Friday, July 26 @ 6:15 pm

Shabbat Morning Torah Study

  Saturday, July 27 @ 9:00 am

Shabbat Lay Led Service

  Saturday, July 27 @ 10:30 am