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Fundamentals of Belief and Practice
Thursdays, October 19, 2023 to Friday, April 12, 2024
(No class November 23; December 21, & 28; February 22)
Learners Shabbat Service – Friday, February 16 @ 6:15 pm
Graduation Shabbat Service – Friday April 19 @ 6:15 pm
This course is designed for newcomers to Judaism as well as those who wish to deepen their knowledge and appreciation of Judaism. You will learn the fundamental concepts of Jewish belief and practice and become more comfortable participating in worship and ritual life.
Topics include synagogue geography, Jewish sacred literature, Jewish views of God, the Jewish lifecycle, worship and prayer, the High Holy Days and festivals, the Jewish home, Zionism and Israel, and much more.
Introduction to Judaism is a prerequisite for conversion candidates, Beth Israel members planning to become adult B’nai Mitzvah, and couples planning an interfaith marriage with a Beth Israel officiant.
Complimentary High Holy Days tickets (for Fall, 2024) will be available to those who complete the course.
This series takes place on campus at Beth Israel. Audio recordings for missed sessions will be available by request. Instructors: Beth Israel Rabbis
Fee: Beth Israel members $250 per individual, $275 per couple*; Nonmembers $300 per individual, $325 per couple*. The fee includes books and materials. *Couples are two people who register together and share a set of books.
Registration for Introduction to Judaism is now closed. Please contact Cheryl Katz at  to be added to the waiting list.