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CBI Israel Solidarity Trip

Sunday, June 16 - Monday, June 24
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Beth Israel community members (those entering High School through adults) are invited to join Rabbi Jason and Nicole Nevarez on an incredibly important Solidarity Mission and experience to Israel. During this 8-day journey, we will stand in solidarity, bear witness, volunteer, and connect with the land and people of Israel in impactful ways.

DAY 1 – Shabbat, June 15 – Depart the USA and fly to Israel. Overnight: Flight

DAY 2 – Sunday, June 16 – ARRIVAL IN ISRAEL – Arrive safely on individual flights at Ben Gurion International Airport and make your way to Tel Aviv and the hotel (transfers can be arranged at a supplement cost) and check in. The program will begin with an opening dinner and program orientation, perhaps with guest speaker, MK Rabbi Gilad Kariv. Overnight: Carlton, Tel Aviv

DAY 3 – Monday, June 17 – TEL AVIV–THE FIRST HEBREW CITY – After breakfast stop to see Independence Hall, depicting David Ben Gurion’s proclamation of Independence on October 14, 1948 (currently under renovation) and walk the Independence Trail, a fascinating journey that takes us from a Hebrew city to a Hebrew state, a trail that begins with the founding of Tel Aviv in 1909 and ends with the Establishment of Israel in 1948. Take a panoramic walk/drive throughout the city including the beautiful Rothschild Boulevard where you can see examples of the unique Bauhaus architecture and renowned Dizengoff Street. Short drive to Jaffa, the ancient port city out of which Tel Aviv has now grown; walk through the narrow passageways and ancient buildings in its Old City, explore some of the many art galleries and wander through the colorful flea market. Enjoy an ethnic tasting tour through Tel Aviv’s famous Levinsky Market where you can taste a combination of foods and sweets from all over the Mediterranean, meet the uniue individuals who sell them and hear their stories. In the late afternoon visit the ANU Museum, a fascinating journey that portrays the story of the Jewish people through the generations and up to the present time, OR to hang out at the beach, walk the streets of Tel Aviv, or catch up on nap to help with jet lag! Dinner on own. Overnight: Carlton, Tel Aviv.

DAY 4 – Tuesday, June 18 – SHOWING SOLIDARITY – Following breakfast the day will be devoted to visiting and hearing about the different organizations dealing with the consequences of “Iron Sword” –
– Meeting with “Achim L’Neshek” – “Brothers in Arms”, who have been at the fore front during the relief efforts following October 7.
– Visit to a hospital rehabilitation ward
– Meet with care-takers at “Natal”, an NGO which for 25 years has been offering help to trauma victims, whether as the result of terror attacks, combat, exposure to on-going rocket attacks, etc.
Late afternoon and time permitting walk through Neve Tzedek, one of the most beautiful areas in the city. Neveh Tzedek was the first neighborhood built in the “new” city of Tel Aviv, back in 1887, and spend some time at the Nachalat Binyamin artisans’ pedestrian walk. Evening at leisure for dinner and to explore the (port) of Tel Aviv Port. Overnight: Carlton, Tel Aviv

DAY 5 – Wednesday, June 19 – SHA’AR HANEGEV – THE CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS – After breakfast check out of the hotel and drive to the Western Negev. Conditions permitting, visit at Kibbutz Netiv Ha’asara, just north of the Gaza Strip and speak with residents. Then continue to Kehillat Sha’ar Hanegev and meet and eat lunch with Rabbi Yael Vargen and local residents. Then possible meeting with an officer of the IDF for an insight into the challenges of the war. Late afternoon drive to Jerusalem and stop atop of Mt. Scopus to recite the traditional “shechehiyanu” blessing. Check into the hotel and evening at leisure. Overnight: Inbal, Jerusalem.

DAY 6 – Thursday, June 20 – PRESENT-DAY ISSUES – Following breakfast at the hotel, spend part of the day meeting with representatives of various organizations:

– Meet with Yaron Shavit, Deputy Chairman of the Jewish Agency to hear about the Agency’s activities before and in particular following October 7.
– Meet with Orly Erez-Likhovski, Director of the Israeli Religious Action Center to hear from her about the on-going efforts to promote pluralism and religious equality.
– Inscribe your name in the “Golden Book”, the most unique of the Jewish National Fund’s Books of Honor, in effect a genealogical tree of the Jewish people.

In the afternoon first timers will have the chance to tour in the Old City, beginning with a tour of the City of David, the core of ancient Jerusalem. View the Gihon Spring and walk through the Second Temple-period tunnel which brings you up into past the Old City walls. Briefly visit the Davidson Center at the Jerusalem Archaeological Park where you’ll view Robinson’s Arch – the remains of the bridge between the Temple Mount and the “Upper City” where the high priests resided, and the Southern Wall Steps. Stop at the Western Wall and then visit the Western Wall Tunnels where hidden layers of the Wall are revealed underground and tell the story of ancient Jerusalem. Returnees can enjoy time in the Israel Museum or free time for some shopping in the Arab bazaar. Evening at leisure and perhaps enjoy time at the First Train Station, with a variety of different types of restaurants and possible public entertainment. Dinner on own.
Overnight: Inbal, Jerusalem.

DAY 7 – Friday, June 21 – FROM HOLOCAUST to REBIRTH – After breakfast start the day visiting Yad Vashem, Israel’s main Holocaust Remembrance and Education Center. Then stop at the Mt. Herzl National Cemetery, housing the remains of Herzl himself as well as many of the Jewish State’s leaders over the years and soldiers killed in the country’s too many wars. Visit the famous Machne Yehuda Market with a Bite Card to give you a chance to try a variety of products, flavors and the aromas of the market. Later afternoon will be free time in Jerusalem. Enjoy Kabbalat Shabbat and Shabbat dinner at the hotel, OR Shabbat services at a local Reform synagogue, followed by home hospitality. Overnight: Inbal, Jerusalem.

DAY 8 – Shabbat, June 22 – ALONG THE JORDAN VALLEY – After breakfast check out of the hotel and depart Jerusalem, driving north along the Jordan Valley Rift. Possible visit to an army base located in the Jordan Valley. Then stop at Byzantine city of Beit Shean, Israel’ largest archaeological site and tour the ancient streets and the impressive amphitheater. Continue north to Lake Kinneret and travel along the southern Golan Heights, stopping at Kibbutz Kfar Haruv to understand just how close the Golan is from the Kinneret. Lunch on own en route. Continue to the Upper Galilee to Yesod Hama’aleh for lunch at the home of Gadi Elias, a family living in the area for 3 generations. Then security permitting, continue to Kibbutz Misgav Am and look out over the Lebanese Valley. From there continue to Haifa and check into your hotel. Dinner at leisure. Overnight: Dan Carmel, Haifa.

DAY 9 – Sunday, June 23 – HAIFA – After breakfast visit the Technion, Israel’s Institute of Technology, recognized internationally for its excellence. Then drive to Acre (Akko) and visit the Underground Knights’ Hall and the colorful market. Take some time to enjoy lunch on own and some “baklawa” and “kanafe” sweets. if possible visit the Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya, which is the only hospital in Israel with an entire underground emergency wing set up; the staff is multi-ethnic, including the first Israeli-Arab appointed as director, and the hospital’s main area of expertise is trauma, treating citizens, soldiers and UN personnel. Return to Haifa and spend some time in the German Colony, where Muslims, Jews and Christians all have a part in the neighborhood. This is also a great place to stop for dinner. Overnight: Dan Carmel, Haifa.

DAY 10 – Monday, June 24 – LEO BAECK – ZICHRON YAACOV – CAESAREA- END OF PROGRAM – Leisurely morning for last minute packing. Check out around 10 a.m. and proceed to the Leo Baeck Education Center, the Israeli Reform Movement’s flagship institution of learning, and home to Congregation Ohel Avraham; meet with Rabbi Ofek Meir, Headmaster and Managing Director. Continue south to the village of Zichron Yaakov, one of the first settlements in modern Israel, founded by the Rothschild family, and stop for lunch on own in the quaint, restored downtown. From there drive to Caesarea, and tour the Roman and Crusader cities. You’ll enjoy your farewell dinner overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. Continue towards Tel Aviv for those staying on and transfer to the airport for those departing that evening for the flight home.

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Sunday, June 16
Monday, June 24
Event Category:


Beth Israel
9001 Towne Centre Drive
San Diego, CA 92122 United States
858 535 1111
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