Directions & Parking

Directions to Beth Israel San Diego

Beth Israel is located in San Diego's Golden Triangle at:
9001 Towne Centre Drive, San Diego, CA 92122
For directions from your location, click "Directions" on the map below.

Parking in the Beth Israel Lot

Members and visitors can park in our lot at the base of our grand staircase, entered on Golden Haven Road. An elevator by the guard booth is available to access all levels. In the event that lot is full, we have arranged for parking in the adjacent Gateway Building parking lot.

Parking in the Gateway Lot

Beth Israel visitors are always welcome to park in the Gateway parking lot entered at 9171 Towne Centre Drive.

Gateway Parking - Free with Validation
During the week and on weekends there is a charge to park in the Gateway lot, but Beth Israel will validate your parking slip. For validation instructions, click HERE.

Exiting the Gateway Parking Lot
You can only exit on top on of the parking structure. If you need assistance at any time while in the Gateway lot, push the “call” button at the gate and a security guard will respond. Gateway lot security guards are on duty 24 hours.

Other Venues Associated with Beth Israel

El Camino Memorial Park: 5600 Carroll Canyon Road, San Diego, CA 92121. Click here for directions.
Cypress View Mausoleum: 3952 Imperial Avenue, San Diego, CA 92113. Click here for directions.
La Jolla Shores Beach: La Jolla Shores Park, La Jolla, CA 92037. Click here for directions.