An Elul Reflection on The Soul

An Elul Reflection on The Soul
by Rabbi Nevarez

In our tradition, the soul (nefesh in Hebrew) is the spark within that illumines each of us. In a way, it serves as our pilot light, our ignitor. It helps us bring our own light and compassion to the greater world.

Below is a practice that you can partake in, so as to help illuminate your best self:

You are invited to find a comfortable, alert, sitting position. As you breathe in and out through your nose, let your breath be calm and fluid. Focus on where you feel the intake of breath, as well as where you feel the exhale of the breath. It may or may not be in the same place. If you wish, you may count to 3 on the inhale, then count to 3 on the exhale. Practice breathing in this manner for 30 seconds.

When you are ready, below are 2 prayers on breath and soul – Elohai N’shama. As you continue to focus on your breath, you are invited to read the prayer.

Prayer 1

My soul came to me pure,
Drawn from the reservoir of the Holy.
All the time it remains within me,
I am thankful for its thirst
For compassion and justice.
Let my eyes behold the beauty of all creatures;
Let my hands know the privilege of righteous deeds.
                    —  Mishkan T’Filah, page 79

Prayer 2

Pure, my God, is the soul You gave me.
You formed it. You shaped it. You breathed it into me.
You keep it safe within me.
Someday, when this soul returns to You,
I will find a place in eternity.
But as long as spirit breathes within me,
I place before You my thanks,
Eternal my God and God of my ancestors,
Creator of all creation, Sovereign of all souls.

Baruch atah, Adonai, asher b’yado nefesh kol chai, v’ruach kol b’sar ish.

We give You praise, Adonai: all life is in Your hand;
And in Your care, the soul of every human being.

                       Mishkan HaNefesh, Rosh Hashanah, page 122

As Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur draw near, we look inward and see who we are at this moment in time. Take a moment to reflect:

What do you see that pleases you?
What do you see that needs attention?
Seek out that which is hidden, do not be afraid to look.
Only once it has been seen, can it be given the attention it needs for improvement.

Let us choose to see what lies before us and greet it with generosity and open arms.