In this series of three classes, learners will explore this year’s High Holy Day theme, "Out of the Depths, Finding Hope", with Rabbi Elana Ackerman Hirsch. Many of us might feel like we have been in the depths this year, especially in our Jewish communities. Of course, just because we’ve experienced being in this deep place, it doesn’t mean that it is permanent.
These Elul learning sessions will address the feelings associated with being “in the depths” and what it means to work through that to see the light and hope in the world. Each class will move through the arc of being in the depths, finding our way, and ultimately finding hope.
Each session will focus on different Jewish textual traditions:
Class 1 (August 27): What poetry teaches us about the journey from despair to hope
Class 2 (September 3): High Holy Day liturgy and the wisdom the machzor* offers
Class 3 (September 17): Rabbinic literature and Torah that guide us
Elul is a time to set intentions for the High Holy Days and the new year, and these classes will help students start the important and holy work of reflection as we enter the High Holy Day season.
*Prayer book that we use during the High Holy Days.