Erev Shabbat Service
Beth Israel 9001 Towne Centre Drive, San Diego, CA, United StatesWelcome Shabbat with this inspirational service open to all in the Glickman-Galinson Sanctuary (YouTube).
Welcome Shabbat with this inspirational service open to all in the Glickman-Galinson Sanctuary (YouTube).
Bringing community together through learning & conversation. Come occasionally or come every week. These eclectic and lively discussions about the week's Torah portion consider the text through traditional and modern […]
The congregation celebrates a B'nei Mitzvah Service. Glickman-Galinson Sanctuary (YouTube).
Shabbat Lay Led Service, Foster Family Chapel (YouTube).
The congregation celebrates a B'nei Mitzvah Service.
Welcome Shabbat with this inspirational service open to all in the Glickman-Galinson Sanctuary (YouTube).
Bringing community together through learning & conversation. Come occasionally or come every week. These eclectic and lively discussions about the week's Torah portion consider the text through traditional and modern […]
The congregation celebrates a B'nei Mitzvah Service. Glickman-Galinson Sanctuary (YouTube).
Shabbat Lay Led Service, Foster Family Chapel (YouTube).
Welcome Shabbat with this inspirational service open to all in the Glickman-Galinson Sanctuary (YouTube).
Bringing community together through learning & conversation. Come occasionally or come every week. These eclectic and lively discussions about the week's Torah portion consider the text through traditional and modern […]
The congregation celebrates a B'nei Mitzvah Service. Glickman-Galinson Sanctuary (YouTube).
Shabbat Lay Led Service, Foster Family Chapel (YouTube).
The congregation celebrates a B'nei Mitzvah Service.
Welcome Shabbat with this inspirational service open to all in the Glickman-Galinson Sanctuary (YouTube).
Join us for our Shira Chadasha Services (New Song), formerly known as Soul Food Shabbat in the Foster Family Chapel. Replenish your soul with contemporary music and prayer in this […]
Torah Portion: Vayishlach (Genesis 32:4−36:43). Haftarah: Hosea 11:7-12:12 Bringing community together through learning & conversation. Come occasionally or come every week. These eclectic and lively discussions about the week's Torah […]
The congregation celebrates a B'nei Mitzvah Service. Glickman-Galinson Sanctuary (YouTube).
Torah Portion: Vayishlach (Genesis 32:4−36:43). Haftarah: Hosea 11:7-12:12 Shabbat Lay/Men's Club Led Service, Foster Family Chapel (YouTube).
Shabbat Lay Led Service, Foster Family Chapel (YouTube).
Welcome Shabbat with this inspirational service open to all in the Glickman-Galinson Sanctuary (YouTube).
Torah Portion: Vayeishev (Genesis 37:1-40:23). Haftarah: Amos 2:6-3:8 Bringing community together through learning & conversation. Come occasionally or come every week. These eclectic and lively discussions about the week's Torah […]
The congregation celebrates a B'nei Mitzvah Service. Glickman-Galinson Sanctuary (YouTube).
Shabbat Lay Led Service, Foster Family Chapel (YouTube).
The congregation celebrates a B'nei Mitzvah Service. Glickman-Galinson Sanctuary (YouTube).
6:00 pm Light Up Your Chanukiah! Price Family Courtyard 6:15 pm Erev Shabbat Chanukah Chai Service, Glickman-Galinson Sanctuary (YouTube). In this beloved Beth Israel tradition, bring your favorite Chanukiah from home […]
Torah Portion: Mikeitz (Genesis 41:1-44:17).Haftarah: Zechariah 4:1-7 {Historic;Zechariah 2:14-4:7] Bringing community together through learning & conversation. Come occasionally or come every week. These eclectic and lively discussions about the week's […]
Shabbat Lay Led Service, Foster Family Chapel (YouTube).
Welcome Shabbat with this service geared toward our youngest congregants, birth – 5 years old. Join us in-person for singing, story time, and welcoming Shabbat together in the Foster Family […]
Every Shabbat our congregation gathers to worship God in the beauty of the Reform Jewish tradition. It’s a time for personal and collective reflection and renewal. Beth Israel offers a […]