Men's Club Speaker Forum: Co-sponsored with Women of Beth Israel, this month
As excitement builds for the 97th Academy Awards ceremony in early March, Andy Friedenberg, founder and director of the Cinema Society of San Diego and member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, joins us to handicap the Oscar race. He will explain how nominations are determined, give an overview of the nominees and predict the winners.
ALL adult members of the congregation are welcome to join the Men's Club and Women of Beth Israel on February 19 for our monthly Speaker’s Forum. The evening begins at 6:30 pm with a deli dinner, followed by the presentation and discussion from 7:00 to 8:00 pm. The dinner fee is $20; pay online, or at the door by cash or check. A Zoom option is available for those unable to attend in person.
Dinner 6:30 – 7:00 pm
Speaker 7:00 – 8:00 pm

Andy Friedenberg is a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. In 1983 he founded the Cinema Society of San Diego. He earned a B.S. in communications from Boston University School of Public Communications and pursued a career in the film industry. Mr. Friedenberg worked with MGM, Columbia Pictures and United Artists as regional publicity/promotional manager. He is a frequent guest on local radio and television shows discussing motion pictures and has led groups of film enthusiasts to film and art festivals in the US and abroad.
Art Supplies to Send to Israel Preschools!
Please bring Art Supplies to Send to Israel Preschools! Men’s Club is supporting a new, yearlong project by Beth Israel’s Early Childhood Education (ECE) program to collect and send much needed art supplies to pre-schools in Israel. After filling a suitcase with art supplies, ECE will ask a pre-school family to deliver it when they travel to Israel or when a family member returns to Israel from a visit here. ECE also welcomes donations of used suitcases for that 1-way trip to Israel.
Men’s Club will collect your donated art supplies at this Dinner Forum and our future events. You can also bring your donations any time to the pre-school office. Please choose art supplies suitable for pre-schoolers and safe to ship (e.g., no liquids or permanent markers), Examples include washable markers, crayons, stickers, safety scissors, colored pencils, glue sticks, colored tape/ribbon and construction paper, modeling clay or Play-doh, pipe cleaners. Thank you!